Friday, May 31, 2013

Bike Milwaukie- Upcoming Rides/Events

Hi Folks,

June is a big month for bikes in the Portland area as well as Milwaukie.  There is something for everyone, from food to infrastructure planning. 

Here is what is on tap for Bike Milwaukie over the next month or so:

Monday, June 3rd, 6:30pm- Transportation System Plan- Project Prioritization Meeting, Milwaukie Christian Church (5197 SE King Rd.)

Sunday, June 9th, 9:30am- Bike Milwaukie Monthly Ride- to the Dragon Boat Races & South Waterfront

Tuesday, June 11th, 6:30pm- Milwaukie 2025 Infrastructure Ride. Join us as we tour through Milwaukie and stop a various points to discuss current and future transportation projects and how they will affect bicycling in the coming years.

Sunday, June 16th, 9:30am- Portland Neighborhood Greenway Tour
(we will re-schedule this for later)

Saturday, June 22nd, 4:30pm- Cartlandia Dinner Ride

Sunday, July 21st 9:30am- Route to be determined.

We will be listing more details about these rides & events on our Facebook Events Page.

Joining us on a ride? Please bring water, a spare inner-tube/tools for unforeseen bike repairs, and a helmet.

A few other things to know about over the next month include:

The Pedalpalooza Festival- runs June 6th-29th  3+ weeks with over 250 bike related rides and events in the Portland area!  There is something for everyone among the festivities.

Portland Sunday Parkways NE- Sunday June 23rd 11am-4pm

Starting on June 8th is the Cyclepedia exhibit at the Portland Art Museum.

If you have a ride idea, would like to lead a ride, or would like to help us spread the word about Bike Milwaukie, please email us.

Please forward this along to anyone who might be interested.

We hope to see you out on your bike!

Greg Baartz-Bowman & Matt Menely
Bike Milwaukie Co-Organizers

Building community and encouraging advocacy in Milwaukie on self propelled wheels.
We have monthly or semi-monthly rides in and around Milwaukie.
Keep informed about Bike Milwaukie events on Facebook

Monday, May 27, 2013

+Transportation System Plan Meeting- Next Monday+

Hello Residents of Bike Milwaukie! w

We have some homework for you this week in preparation for the important Transportation System Plan update meeting on Monday, June 3rd. 

The City is encouraging residents to review the projects listed in its Transportation System Plan (TSP) and recommend (1) what the City's top priorities for funding should be, (2) if any of the existing projects should be reprioritized, and (3) if there are projects that need further study or concept planning.  You can review the TSP project list here (especially look at the bike and pedestrian sections):

Then fill out the 'Public Engagement Worksheet' in the packet.  Bring the worksheet to the meeting next Monday and speak up on behalf of cycling and pedestrian improvements in Milwaukie.   If you are not able to attend the meeting, you can email your 'Public Engagement Worksheet', comments and questions to Brett Kelver in the Planning Department at

Bike Milwaukie's top priorities include planning/ building of the Neighborhood Greenways already listed in the TSP. Those include Monroe, Stanley and 29th.  Our other priority would be building a grade separated multi-use path along Rail Road Ave so that pedestrians and cyclists have a safe and simple way to get from Monroe/Oak street all the way to 3 Creeks and the Aquatics Center (more on that concept here

The future of bicycling infrastructure in Milwaukie will be influenced by people at this meeting.  If cyclists don't speak up, infrastructure will not improve for cyclists and pedestrians.  Please attend this meeting.

Milwaukie Christian Church (5197 SE King Rd.)

Monday, June 3rd 6:30-8:30pm


Greg Baartz-Bowman & Matt Menely
Bike Milwaukie Co-Organizers

Building community and encouraging advocacy in Milwaukie on self propelled wheels. We have monthly or semi-monthly rides in and around Milwaukie.
Keep informed about Bike Milwaukie events on Facebook

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bike Milwaukie May Ride

Hi Folks,

This Sunday, May 19th is our next Bike Milwaukie ride.  On this ride we will head out to the I-205 Bike path via Lake Rd and surface streets. We will then take the path south to Gladstone.  From there we will loop back to Milwaukie using the Trolley Trail.  Our route this month is 14-15 miles long.  Here is a rough map of the route:

We will leave City Hall at 9:30am and our ride should last around 2.5-3 hours, ending back at City Hall. Please bring water, a spare inner-tube/tools for unforeseen bike repairs, and a helmet.

Please forward this along to anyone who might be interested.

Hope to see you there.
Greg Baartz-Bowman & Matt Menely
Bike Milwaukie Co-Organizers

Building community and encouraging advocacy in Milwaukie on self propelled wheels.
We have monthly or semi-monthly rides in and around Milwaukie.
Keep informed about Bike Milwaukie events on Facebook