Dear Milwaukie Bicyclists,
For the last year and a half we have been quietly showing you around Milwaukie and the surrounding area, hoping to inspire you and your neighbors into getting on you bikes more.
In 2007 the City developed it's most recent Transportation System Plan (TSP). In this plan is a road map to a better bike-way network for cyclists in Milwaukie. Since our City Council approved the TSP at the end of 2007, the City has installed bike-route signage throughout the City, and part of Lake road has been repaved and bike lane markings laid down, but other than that not too much has happened in terms of evolving the safety and quality of our cycling infrastructure.
We've been quietly asking for further development of the Monroe Street Bike Boulevard and Bike Milwaukie even jointly applied for a grant with the City to obtain funding to install Sharrows on Monroe (which we did not receive). Monroe Street was highlighted as part of the recent New Year's Day ride of over 100 cyclists, lead by the The Bicycle Transportation Alliance, and graciously supported by some of our fellow community members including the Mayor of Milwaukie.
So we ask, would you like better bike infrastructure in Milwaukie? Would you like to see Monroe as the primary East/West bike route as laid out in the 2007 TSP? If so, please contact City Council, and ask them to consider making bicycling infrastructure improvements (especially on Monroe Street) a priority in their upcoming goal setting meeting on Jan. 22nd.
You can contact them here anytime: